Repertoire of useful phrases

Part five – Discussion/Conclusions*

  • sth proves to be

C. humilisand C. innominata proved to be molecularly distinct species(…).

  • to reveal that

The biometric analysis, together with many observations on fresh material in the field, revealed that F. montana is (…).

  • to use sth as a tool/ for sth/to do sth

(…)to use physiological parameters as a useful tool for environment assessment.

  • sth is an initial/thefirst step forward/ the next step in the process

This study is the first step of investigation to use – in the future – physiological parameters (…).

  • sth is probable

It is probable that in addition to heavy metals, sporadically high SO2 emissions have also affected the distribution of the plant species.

  • sth is provided

New synonyms, descriptions, and citations of representative specimens are provided for each species, along with (…).

  • sth is discussed

The issues concerning(…) in Poland and their status are discussed.

  •  finally

Finally, a key for(the)determination of taxa (…) is provided.

Finally, the previous classifications of (…) were evaluated within the phylogenetic framework.

  • future /further research

Future research should be directed towards (…).

  • further data are needed to do sth

Further data are needed to determine whether these genetically and ecologically defined lineages, (…) can be formalized as (Linnaean) species or subspecies.

  • future research

Future research should be directed towards (…).

  • it is clear that

It is clear that there is no common underlying mechanism and that (…).

  • it may be stated that

It may be stated that the differences in their response to NaCl (…) were generally in the range 2–30%.

  • sth may be done

Barcoding success may be improved in some plant groups by (the)careful choice of markers and appropriate sampling.

  • whereas

(…) whereas no trace of (…) has been evidenced by the nuclear and plastid markers used.

  • data/findings suggest

These findings suggest thatV. eizanensis had been isolated (…).

  • an/theapproach indicates

In general, our approach indicates the most important elements (…).

  • to highlight sth

The results of this study highlightthe potential for LiDAR surveys in (…).

  • to facilitate sth

These parameters facilitates the computation of (…).

  • a key message

A key message is that the conventional sensitivity of (…) is (…).

  •  little evidence/lack of evidence

(…) there is little evidence to support that/ prove these claims.

  • this leads us to

This leads us to suggest a number of policy packages that (…)

  • conclusions

Our conclusions are the following/are as follows:


sth proved to be

this study is thefirst step of investigation to

to use sth as a tool/tools for sth

the analysis revealed that

it is probable that

the issues concerning sth are discussed

finally, sth is provided

further data are needed to determine whether

sth is suggested to be

it is clear that there is

(by) combining X and Y approaches

we conclude that

It may be stated that

this method is amenable to/for

all of this should be useful for

we determine that

sth could not be explained solely by

we suggest that

the results of this study highlight

sth leads to

future research is needed to

sth facilitates the computation

our approach indicates sth/that

this would ensure

implicit in all of these themes is the recognition

our conclusions are as follows/the following

sth leadsto useful results

this leads us to suggest

sth in its own way has replaced traditional concepts

most of the evidence examined in this review

sth  seems to be a major factor behind sth

a key message is that

whereas there is little evidence

there is little evidence

the discussion relates to

current debates on

this variety makes sth

the paper concludes by arguing that

by excluding sth from sth, they treat them as sth

these cases are seen to do sth

this debate is best understood as

this research has suggested that

after considering sth, I conclude by claiming that

we argue that

from these findings/on the basis of these findings the paper argues for a conception of


*Some phrases may naturally appear in other categories too.