Dear Web Visitor,

This is our Abstract Project homepage and we are a group of PhD students of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. Although we are now studying different subjects, we all have the same problem: "How to write an abstract?" Here we try to share with you our ideas and tips about how to write an effective abstract. Our suggestions are based on numerous examples from different scientific areas. We have done some research analyzing the content of abstracts written by other authors. You can find the results of our work here on this website, which was created as an English class project over a summer term in 2012. The name of the project is Abstract Project and it was run and coordinated by our tutor Monika Stawicka from the Jagiellonian Language Centre, Jagiellonian University. We hope that when in need, here you will find some theoretical information and practical tips which have been designed with the intention of making your task of writing an abstract (and your article) easier!

Good luck! :)

Abstract Project Team

You can find more about us in About Us

If you wish to work efficiently you may consider having a look, among other tags, at:

  • what an original article contains

  • the definition and features of an abstract

  • a repertoire of typical phrases used in abstracts and articles

and listening to:

  • interviews with experts – university professors.
